Friday, November 26, 2010

New York (random) PART 4

I spent 7 amazing days with my love!
It was his first time in America and I showed him all the cool spots in NYC.
enjoy : )
More New York Random? CLICK HERE

Marc by Marc Jacobs shop window. That dress is so cool!

I don't eat cupcake.. I just love the way they look : )

I brought him to Time Square of course!
He was like... wooooow!

Snow in NY?? No, movie set on 23rd street & 5th av

Moma Timeeee!!! I have been there like 638469026q times. LOVE IT.

Love u Andy <3

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New York..bye bye halloween

that's what is left of New York a few days after halloween.
very random.

random guy in a random party


Oh, look...fake legs! ..i guess..

I love this one

Sunday, November 7, 2010

photoshoot preview

"AVENUE X" photoshoot preview

photographer: Karina Vidal
model: Francesca Costa
make up: Saul Camachio

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

MY Halloween in New York

Halloween with my girls?
"eat, drink and be scary."
author unknown

my second halloween costume: drunk fairy.

first Halloween costume: the moon : )

Here is the video of our crazy night out : )